BLACKSMITH DAY!! WOW! A few burns, okay, alot of burns, but still a great day! Lots of iron shapes came home, some even recognizable, and that means more Christmas presents! They were there the whole day and really got to see how difficult the work of blacksmithing is..... One scout said, "It was so hard because I would pound and pound on this hot iron and then it would just suddenly fold over and break." Apparently, it takes a lot of experience to know when the metal gets thin enough to hold its shape, but not so thin that it breaks. I think they all gained some appreciation of the art of blacksmithing. How are all those burns coming along? :)
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Hello scouts, that show was a good one. I've seen it done but never tried it --That was a hot experience, sorry to know there were some burns. Hope all is well now.
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