"Good Morning, Camp!" "Good Morning, Josh!" "Way-OH! Way-OH!" "Can we make a fire now?" "I don't need your pessimism." "Where are my shoes?" "Let's play Mafia!" "Can I borrow your knife?" "Can I borrow your fishing pole?" "Who has my knife sharpener?" "I lost the game!" "Only a mom would wear a white sweater to summer camp." "I wanna go home." "What day is it?" | |
"Who wants to go to the Trading Post with me?"
"How many days are you going to wear those pants?"
"How did you sleep?"
"Palmer looks just like an otter."
"Nuh-uh, he's more like a little puppy."
"No, he's a teddy bear."
"NO! He's more like a SUN bear, look at him!
"Let me see your face, Palmer. ...I'm telling you, he looks just like an otter."
"Eeeww! There's a LOG in the urinal!"
"This would make a great beating stick!"
"Can I sleep in your tent?"
"Where's Mr Redmond? I think he's napping in the stream."
"Dude! You're such a girl!"
"I've always looked down upon you, and I always will."
"Did you guys know the tooth brush was invented in Ramona? If it had been anywhere else, it would have been called a teeth brush."
"That's a good one, I'm gunna go home and tell that one to my sheep."
"That dinner was so good, I think I'll purge and go for thirds!"
"What are you whittling? A stick."
"Ok, I'll just beat the tree while I wait."
"I already showered once!"
"Why would you shower at camp when you can shower at home?!"
"Jokes on you, I have 2 dads!"
"Come on guys, no more racist jokes! ... (unless their good)"
"What is that you're using for your crossbow string?"
"My underwear band... what? it's clean!!"
"Where are you going?"
"To the Operacade."
"Ummm... it's the Aquacade."
"Oh -- that changes everything."
"Mrs Redmond! You can put on the blog that we started a Ninja craze at the flag pole!"
"You didn't adopt me, you abducted me!"
"Palmer's so CUTE!!"