Stories of bears invading camp, sneaking candy out from under pillows, were hindering my peaceful night's sleep. I was trying hard to focus my ears on the calming ripple of the stream running alongside my tent. I could feel myself drifting off at last, when a low growl to my left broke my trance-like state.
"I KNEW IT! I should have put my deoderant in the bear can like I was told!"
Wait, there it was again, a rumble off to my right this time. "Wow! He moves fast!"
Suddenly, to my great relief, that moment of fleeting panic was quickly doused by my own laughter as I realized it wasn't a bear's fearsome growl that was frightening me... it was the thundering snores of Mr Adams and Mr Redmond! First on my left, now on my right, back to my left. It was a bit like dueling noses...only not so melodic.