Monday, October 6, 2014

Ethan in Colorado

A picture of Ethan doing some yard work in Colorado.

We miss you Ethan!!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

More Quotes...‏

‎"Mrs Red gets to carry a purse cuz she's a girl."
"It's not a purse, it's a fanny pack."
"It's called a satchel."
"Whatever it's called, you can have one too if you want one.
" I'd rather have a clutch."

"‎Aww, this shady spot is no good. It has holes in it."

"‎Dang! Half my burger just fell on the ground!!"
"I'll eat it!"

"‎I'm tired of waiting! Can I just suck on a frozen chicken?"

"‎Wanna see your money disappear?"

"Don't bother him right now, he's in a ‎Cookie Coma."

"Hey! ‎Look at those 2 squirrels running up the tree!"
"They're going to kill each other!"
"Aaah! Look away! They're playing leapfrog!"

"‎A squirrel took my chapstick!"
"Ya, the squirrel with the big puffy lips."

"‎Wow, this mosquito bite really itches."
"What mosquito?"
"The one I killed. George Winston III. There won't be a GW IV"

"‎We can take out your country with a single hit. Like flicking a bugger against the wall!"

"‎It's 98 percent fat free. So if you take out two pieces, the rest is fat free!"

"I should have been a mom. I love nagging."

"I am cereal, just poor me some milk."

"‎When all else fails, break out the bubble wand."

Americans vs Brits... The Musical‏

‎Ok, so when I told the guys to stop picking on Thomas just because he's British, I was told, "But it's a tradition. It started with Ethan and we do it every time we're together. We didn't want Thomas to feel left out."

Thomas seemed to be holding his own, and his big grin seemed to say he was enjoying the attention, so I left it a bit longer. The voices got louder and they were going "face to face" trying to make their point, so I stepped in again, "Ok that's enough‎. Change the subject." They laughed and side tracked a few moments, until one had to make his previous point clear, and it all started up‎ again.

I finally summoned up my true authority and gave the ultimatum, "Alright. That's it. Change the subject or I'll make you all sing."

That did it! For the next 1/2 hour, they giggled and sang their way into victory over England until we were all snorting and rolling and crying with laughter. You shoulda been there!!

I'll be working with the San Diego Opera Committee in the near future, signing these boys up. Pavarotti's got NOTHING over this pack of coyotes!!

-Mrs Redmond

Pictures from camp Chawanakee 3

Pictures from camp Chawanakee 2

Pictures from camp Chawanakee 1

Friday, June 20, 2014

Camp Chawanakee update #10

Other fun

Camp Chawanakee update #9

At the Rifle Range

Max qualifies

Zach W qualifies

Will qualifies

Camp Chawanakee update #8

More Gumby-ing

Spreading happiness

The Adults take on Handicraft

More fun 'n games