Saturday, December 17, 2011
On the right side of our blog you will see a new poll. Please vote yes or no before the end of this year regarding scout meeting night. Each scout will only have 1 vote. Thanks!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Amazing Grace
Lately troop 617 went on the schooner Amazing Grace. While there we learned how to;
We also learnt many new sailing terms and names
Sailing in a never ending adventure. You are always moving. It can be exciting and also, surprisingly it can sometimes be peaceful. The rocking gently back and forth gives one a feeling of peace. Then of course there is the adventure; the sea and the wind are always unpredictable. When those things are what you rely on to get you to and from different places, you are going to have a wild time! That is exactly what happened to us scouts when we went on this amazing (he he he!!) adventure! I know that if I ever get the chance to do anything like this again, I will not hesitate one second to say yes!!!!!! Please tell me your views on the trip.
- ready the sails
- climb the rigging
- tacking against the wind
- change direction using the flying jibs and lower sail
We also learnt many new sailing terms and names
- flying jibs
- inner jibs
- boom
- bow
- starboard
- port
- bunts
Sailing in a never ending adventure. You are always moving. It can be exciting and also, surprisingly it can sometimes be peaceful. The rocking gently back and forth gives one a feeling of peace. Then of course there is the adventure; the sea and the wind are always unpredictable. When those things are what you rely on to get you to and from different places, you are going to have a wild time! That is exactly what happened to us scouts when we went on this amazing (he he he!!) adventure! I know that if I ever get the chance to do anything like this again, I will not hesitate one second to say yes!!!!!! Please tell me your views on the trip.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Petco Park
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Advancement Campout at Camp Divjak
Scouts new and old had a great time working on advancements at the September 24-25 overnight at the Divjak's ranch. Requirements fulfilled included: meal planning, food buying, swim testing, campfire setting, tent setting-up, dinner cooking, service project leading, Scout Oath, Motto, & Law memorizing, Constitutional rights and obligations discussing, and camping!! Great work Scouts!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
A Few More Pictures
Who Knew that Camp Whitsett Celebrated Christmas in July (7/25)? Complete with the Jolly Old Fat Man? 
The camp director (Andrew S.) is happy with his gift!Yum, Now here is a quick way to cool off courtesy of the trading post!
Assembled for colors after the evening meal!
Maybe we should cut the log just a little more...!
Adults doing what they do best, Supervising your scouts!
2011 Camp Whitsett POINTS!
I didn't think many paid attention, but Justin approached me near the end of the week and reminded me, "Mrs Redmond, you never gave me my 100 points for clearing your dinner dishes at last year's summer camp."
SO!... Once again, I began recording things that made me take notice of these GREAT boys! Here's the final "Red Points" tally from 2011 Summer Camp:
100 EXTRA points to Justin right off the bat! (to cover last year's brain fart)
200 points to Stewart for showering the day before we drove home, all crammed into the cars for that 6-hour drive!
Taffy Points to Matt for carrying off my dinner dishes that first night.
200 pts to Mr Finley for bringing ROCKIN camping chairs!!!
100 MORE pts to Mr Finley for being a good sport about us breaking one of his ROCKIN camping chairs!
100 pts to Zach for loaning his multi-tool to EVERYone in camp.
100 more pts to Zach for using CLEAN underwear for his crossbow band...
100 pts to Andrew D for adopting a kid on the wilderness survival overnighter.
200 pts to Mr Red for his entertaining Belly Flop and Cannon Ball during the Operacade, I mean Aquacade!
100 pts to Cody for NOT killing Mrs Red during Mafia.
100 pts to David for hugging Palmer
100 pts to Andrew A for all his praise and admiration of my feather-necker-boat!
100 pts to Matt for getting coke for Mr Redmond
100 pts for Mr Adams setting up a chair for me at lunch.
100 more pts to Justin for carrying my chair to the Aquacade.
50 more pts to Justin for ALMOST asking me if he could, before I asked him to do so...
100 more pts to Stewart for carrying my chair back from the Aquacade.
200 more pts each to Matt, Justin, Stewart and Palmer for participating in Aquacade!!
100 more pts to Matt for filling several water bottles for others and NOT getting paid the $1 he started off charging...
100 more pts to Mr Adams for carrying my stuff out to Mr Finley's car.
500 final pts to Mr Red for my beautiful hand-carved custom-painted "Kiss the Duck" walking stick!!
Ok, that's what I had written in my journal, but it's OPEN FOR REBUTTAL! haha
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Shooting Sports at Camp!
"Good Morning, Camp!" "Good Morning, Josh!" "Way-OH! Way-OH!"
"Who wants to go to the Trading Post with me?"
"How many days are you going to wear those pants?"
"How did you sleep?"
"Palmer looks just like an otter."
"Nuh-uh, he's more like a little puppy."
"No, he's a teddy bear."
"NO! He's more like a SUN bear, look at him!
"Let me see your face, Palmer. ...I'm telling you, he looks just like an otter."
"Eeeww! There's a LOG in the urinal!"
"This would make a great beating stick!"
"Can I sleep in your tent?"
"Where's Mr Redmond? I think he's napping in the stream."
"Dude! You're such a girl!"
"I've always looked down upon you, and I always will."
"Did you guys know the tooth brush was invented in Ramona? If it had been anywhere else, it would have been called a teeth brush."
"That's a good one, I'm gunna go home and tell that one to my sheep."
"That dinner was so good, I think I'll purge and go for thirds!"
"What are you whittling? A stick."
"Ok, I'll just beat the tree while I wait."
"I already showered once!"
"Why would you shower at camp when you can shower at home?!"
"Jokes on you, I have 2 dads!"
"Come on guys, no more racist jokes! ... (unless their good)"
"What is that you're using for your crossbow string?"
"My underwear band... what? it's clean!!"
"Where are you going?"
"To the Operacade."
"Ummm... it's the Aquacade."
"Oh -- that changes everything."
"Mrs Redmond! You can put on the blog that we started a Ninja craze at the flag pole!"
"You didn't adopt me, you abducted me!"
"Palmer's so CUTE!!"
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