Kyler's Life Service Project
What we accomplished: We built 6 benches for the City of Poway for Poway Park, and set railroad ties and spread mulch for the seating area.
The trench for the railroad ties was already dug, so what we did was after we built the benches, we placed the railroad ties and filled in next to them with dirt and then spread the wood chips brought by the rangers.
We were there from 9am to 3:30 pm, two and a half hours later than planned, total time for all of us together was 45 hours of work with a half hour lunch break around noon.
All in all the project went smoothly and I am very grateful to everyone who came and stayed much longer than expected.
There where 7 of us in total: Griffin Gamble, Matt and Andy Adams, Corey Pigott and David and Andrew Divjak.