OK now this may have been the funnest afternoon yet!
Aquacade down at the waterfront. Probably 30 troops - very competative...
Now for the events...
Caterpiller (Wow, was this chaos. 5 scouts in tiny rowboat with no paddles, paddling across the bay - see video at end of pics
Empty the ocean-All scouts run to ocean across rocks in bare feat, dip clothes in water, run back and wring out to fill bucket - 2nd place
Scoutmaster crosses the Delaware-Scouts outside of rowboat swimming, scoutmaster Ken in little boat standing like George Washington
Scoutmaster Bellyflop-It speaks for itself. Wow was this fun to watch with 500 boys (Levi's judges gave him a 10, 10, 8) for 2nd place
Buffalo swim-Relay race about 60 yards each leg. David D, Griffin, Corey and Andrew -2nd place by a millisecond. Awesome race.
Message to Garcia (Relay race....Canoe Andy and _____, Kayak - Griffin, Swim - Andrew, Run - Corey) 2nd place
We may have gotten a first over all.
The guys all have temporary (sharpie) tatoos now. Someone may have crush on his swim instructor.
Levi has a really red belly from the flop (he really got some height!)
Take care you guys,
See you tommorow! This is the best. Thanks again to all of you!!!